firman penggembalaan yang dipraktikkan
the shepherding word that is obeyed
firman penggembalaan yang disampaikan dengan berkesinambungan, diulang-ulang, teratur
shepherding Word which is preached continuously, repetitively, regularly, and in order
firman penginjilan
gospel word
firman penyucian
the word of purification
firman sekeras apa pun
the Word of God, no matter how hard it is
firman seringkali tidak sesuai pikiran kita
The Word is often not appropriate to our mind
firman tidak menjadi iman
the word does not become faith
firman yang dibukakan rahasianya, yaitu ayat menerangkan ayat dalam alkitab
the Word whose secret is revealed through one verse explains the other verses in the Holy Bible
firman yang diurapi Roh Kudus
the Word that is annointed by Holy Spirit
Firman yang lebih tajam dari pedang bermata dua
the word that is sharper than any two-edged sword