dosa warisan
the sin we inherit
Dosa yang mengikat jiwa: kikir, pemfitnah, penipu
The sins binding the soul, namely the covetous, the reviler, and the extortioner
Dosa yang mengikat roh: penyembahan berhala
The sin binding the spirit or the idolater
Dosa yang mengikat tubuh: cabul (kawin-mengawinkan), pemabuk (makan-minum)
The sins binding the body, namely the sexually immoral or the sins concerning marrying-giving in marriage as well as the drunkard or the sins concerning eating-drinking
dosa yang sering tidak kita sadari
sins that we often do not realize
Dosa yang tidak diakui
Unconfessed sin
dosa-dosa menjijikan
revolting sins
dua di tangan dan dua di kaki
namely two in the hands and two in the feet
dua kali lipat
dua kali penampian atau kegoncangan
experiencing the winnowing or shock two times