Zaman Allah Bapa: dari Adam sampai Abraham (kurang lebih 2000 tahun), diwakili oleh
The era of God the Father, which is counted from Adam to Abraham (about two thousand years), is represented by
Zaman Allah Roh Kudus/Zaman akhir, dari kedatangan Yesus pertama kali sampai kedatangan Yesus kedua kali.
The era of God the Holy Spirit or the last days that is counted from Jesus' first coming up to the second one
Zaman Allah Roh Kudus: dari kedatangan Yesus pertama kali sampai kedatangan Yesus kedua kali (kurang lebih 2000 tahun), diwakili oleh
The era of God the Holy Spirit, which is counted from the first Jesus' coming up to the second Jesus' coming (about two thousand years), is represented by
Zaman Anak Allah/Zaman pertengahan, dari Abraham sampai kedatangan Yesus pertama kali.
The era of the Son of God or the middle age that is counted from Abraham to Jesus' first coming
Zaman Anak Allah: dari Abraham sampai kedatangan Yesus pertama kali (kurang lebih 2000 tahun), diwakili oleh
The era of the Son of God, which is counted from Abraham to the first Jesus' coming (about two thousand years), is represented by
zaman kemustahilan di masa antikris
the time of impossibility in the age of antichrist
zaman permulaan
the early age