Yerusalem baru yang temboknya besar lagi tinggi
the New Jerusalem which has a great and high wall

Yesus belum datang kembali kedua kali, dan kita masih mendapatkan perpanjangan umur
He has not come for the second time yet and we still get the lengthening of our life
Yesus datang pertama kali ke dunia sebagai Allah yang lahir menjadi manusia
Jesus came a first time to the world as God who was born as a man
Yesus menaikkan doa syafaat dan gembala di dunia menaikkan doa penyahutan
Jesus lifts up the intercession prayer and so does the shepherd in the world
Yesus rela kepalaNya dimahkotai duri
He was willing to wear the crown of thorns
Yesus rela taat sampai mati di kayu salib
Jesus willingly becomes obedient to the point of death on the cross
Yesus tidak rela
Jesus does not will
Yesus yang mulia
Jesus, who is glorious
zaman akhir
the ends of the ages
Zaman Allah Bapa/zaman permulaan, dari Adam sampai Abraham
The era of God the Father that is counted from Adam to Abraham