countenance, visage
wajah berseri
beaming face
Wajah buruk
bad face
Wajah buruk, jahat dan najis
Bad, evil, and unclean face
wajah muram
scowl atau fallen countenance
Wajah muram, kecewa dan putus asa
The sad, disappointed, and hopeless face
Wajah pucat
the face that is drained of color atau the face that is pale atau pale face
wajah-Nya bersinar-sinar bagaikan matahari yang terik
His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength
waktu berpuasa
the time to fast
Waktu Tuhan belum tiba artinya masalah waktu adalah urusan Tuhan
The time of God has not yet come means the matter of time is God's business