Tudung kulit lumba-lumba
The covering of badger's skins
tudung tabernakel
The curtains of the Tabernacle
tugas dan kewajiban
Duties and obligation
Tuhan berperang ganti kita
God fights for us
Tuhan mampu memelihara kehidupan kita yang kecil tak berdaya di tengah kesulitan dan kegoncangan dunia
God is able to take care of our life physically although we are powerless in the middle of difficulties and shocks in the world
Tuhan membuat hidup kita berhasil dan indah, bahagia, sampai tidak bercacat cela/ sempurna seperti Dia
God makes our life beautiful, successful, and happy up to being spotless or perfect like Him
Tuhan memperhatikan, mempedulikan, mengerti, dan bergumul untuk kita
He remembers, cares, understands, and struggles for us
Tuhan mendatangkan kebaikan sampai ke anak cucu
God works for good up to our descendants
Tuhan menghembuskan tanah liat dengan Roh Kudus
God's breathing Holy Spirit into the dust
Tuhan mengulurkan tangan anugerah-Nya yang besar
God stretches out His hand of great mercy