Suara asing adalah suara-suara yang tidak senada dengan Firman Penggembalaan yang benar, ataupun gosip yang tidak bisa dipertanggungjawabkan, termasuk suara daging
The strange voice is the one of the flesh, gossips whose truth cannot be accounted, also the one that is not in line with the true shepherding Word
situation / condition
Suasana akhir jaman akan kembali seperti pada zaman Sodom-Gomora, seperti bangsa Israel di kaki Gunung Sinai yang menyembah lembu emas
The atmosphere on the last days will return to the one in Sodom and Gomorrah as well as of the Israelites who worshiped the golden calf at the foot of Mount Sinai
Suasana Firdaus
Firdaus feel
Paradise atmosphere
suasana kemenangan
the atmosphere of victory
suasana kering rohani atau mati rohani
The atmosphere of being spiritually withered or spiritual death
suasana kutukan
curse atmosphere
suasana maut
death situation
suasana menakutkan
fear atmosphere
Kalau intimidate= menakut-nakuti
suasana pesta sorga
the atmosphere of the feast of heaven