2. tontonan yang tidak baik
2. a spectacle that is not good
3 kali pertanyaan Tuhan kepada Petrus apakah Petrus mengasihi TUHAN
baca di keterangan atau di ibadah pa surabaya july 28, 2014
  1. The Lord asked whether Peter loved Him with the love of God or agape, but Peter answered with the love of neighbors or phileo love
  2. The Lord asked whether Peter loved Him with the love of God or agape, but Peter answered with the love of neighbors or phileo love
  3. The Lord asked whether Peter loved Him with the love of neighbore or phileo, but Peter answered grievously because it was clear that he had no agape and phileo love or there was no love in him
3. air pahit
3. Bitter waters
3. Dalam Perjanjian Lama, imam besar Harun setahun sekali masuk Ruangan Maha Suci membawa darah dan dupa. Ada dua kali 7 percikan darah sehingga terjadi shekinah glory dan semua dosa Israel dihapuskan
baca di keterangan
In Old Testament, once a year Aaron as the high priest entered the Holy of Holiest of Tabernacle and brought blood and incense to sprinkle two times seven sprinklings of blood in order to reconcile the sins of Israel and the shekinah glory happened
3. direbut
3. possessed
3. semua masalah diselesaikan, ada damai sejahtera, semua enak dan ringan, semua berhasil dan indah pada waktunya
3. All problems are solved. There is peace and everything becomes easy and light. Everything is beautiful and successful in His time
3. tabiat ilahi
3. the divine nature
30 keping perak
thirty pieces of silver
5 luka utama
5 major injuries
5 roti 2 ikan untuk memberi makan 5000 orang, masih sisa 12 keranjang
the five loaves and the two fish for feeding five thousand men and there were twelve baskets that remained