berjaga-jaga atas XXXX
watch over XXXXX
berjuang untuk setia dan berkobar-kobar dalam ibadah pelayanan sampai garis akhir
fight to faithfully and fervently serve and minister to God until the finish line
is about
atau The title of
berkanjang pada penglihatan-penglihatan
intruding into those things which he has not seen
: blessing (n), bless (v)
berkat secara jasmani dan rohani, termasuk berkat rumah tangga
Physical and spiritual blessing as well as the one for our household
1. (physical spiritual=adj, household=Noun)
berkata benar dan baik
producing true and good word
berkata benar dan baik, menjadi berkat dan bersaksi
2. speak good and true word, as well as become the blessing and testimony for others
berkelimpahan sampai bisa mengucap syukur
abundantly so we always give thank to God