pakaian putih berkilau-kilauan
clothed in pure bright linen (maksudnya berpakaian)
Kalau pakaiannya sendiri: The clean, bright fine linen
pakaian tambal sulam
patchwork clothing
pakaiannya dibagi menjadi empat, dan jubahnya diundi
His garment was made four parts and the soldiers cast lots for His tunic
palungan adalah tempat makan domba
The manger is the place where sheep can eat

pamer di luar, padahal hatinya tidak suci
They show off outside but their hearts are not holy
panah api setan
fiery darts of satan
panah api si jahat
the fiery dart of the evil
panas hati
panas karena pencobaan, dosa-dosa, sampai binasa di neraka
We become hot because of tempation and sins, until we are destroyed in the hell