orang lain yang membutuhkan
others who are in need
orang lumpuh
orang majus
The wise men
Orang muda diizinkan gagal total sebab tidak tunduk, melawan Tuhan, gembala, orang tua
The younger people are allowed to experience the total failure because of getting disobedient, and resisting against God, shepherd, and parents
Orang Nazareth
orang selamat
survivors (saved people)
orang serakah
orang terbesar
the greatest man
Orang tua tidak membuat tawar hati anak lewat memaksakan kehendak atau membiarkan anak yang salah
The parents must not make the children lose hearts through forcing the children to do their own will or permitting the mistake of the children
orang yang dapat melihat
People who have the eyesight