banyak bersungut
grumble a lot
banyak melawan
resist much more for sure
banyak mengoreksi diri
we do the introspection in our life

banyak menutup pintu
shutting the door
Banyak menyalahkan orang lain pasti juga banyak salah dalam berkata-kata
Blaming at others too much will make one surely stumble in words many times

banyak orang beribadah
There are many people worshiping God
atau there are many people who worship God
banyak yang dipanggil, tetapi sedikit yang dipilih
many are called, but few are chosen
bapa pembunuh dan bapa pendusta
the father of killer and liar
bapa pendusta
father of liars
baptisan air
the baptism of water