anggur asam bercampur empedu
sour wine mingled with gall
anggur hawa nafsu daging
wine of the lust of flesh
Angin ditiupkan oleh setan dengan kuasa maut untuk menggugurkan iman
1. The wind is blown by Satan with the power of death to make the faith fall
angin pengajaran lain
the wind of other doctrines
other teaching
angin Timur yg keras
strong east wind
anjing menjilat remah-remah roti
dog which licks the crumbs
anjing yang menjilat muntah menjadi menjilat remah-remah roti
dog which licks vomit to the one which licks the bread
antar penggembalaan
inter shepherding
atau between shepherding
antar sesama
among fellow